Klinik Fair Use Policy





The following fair use policy has been designed by your practice team to support fair use and access to the surgery patient online portal- Klinik. 

  • We are committed to ensuring equitable access to our practice team in order to deliver the best possible service we can for you.
  • To help us and all patients at the surgery, we would like to kindly remind you that patients should use Klinik fairly.
  • In order to ensure every patient has a fair chance of requesting appointments via the Klinik portal, we will limit patient use to two non-urgent/ routine requests per week.
  • We kindly request that you do not exceed this quota.
  • Inconsiderate or unfair use of Klinik may mean that another patient who wants to access their GP or other healthcare professional via Klinik is unable to do so due to limited availability.
  • If patients request constantly above the fair use policy advice, their use will be reviewed and discussed with the patient. 
  • Examples of unfair use of the Klinik service may include, but are not limited to:
    • Significant deviation from average use of the GP surgery e.g. submitting unreasonable numbers of online consultations.
  • If unfair use of Klinik platform significantly impacts our ability to deliver safe care to all patients, we reserve the right to review individual access to the platform. This process will include a series of communications with you followed by potential action (which may include suspension of use of Klinik).
  • Where a patient’s behaviour falls outside of that which is normally considered reasonable (e.g. breaches the Unacceptable behaviour and/or the NHS Zero Tolerance Policy) and leads to an irretrievable breakdown of the doctor-patient relationship, in a minority of cases this may also lead to the consideration of removal from the practice list itself.

Our Commitment to You

  • We will treat all patients equally with dignity and respect, without exclusion.
  • We aim to provide a personal, friendly and confidential service to our patients.
  • We aim to respond to the majority of online consultations as per our policy.
  • We aim to keep patients informed of our services, their rights and any other information which directly affects health treatment.
  • We will offer access to our services in line with the patients’ assessed need.
  • We will monitor and improve our systems to ensure we operate as efficiently as possible within the resources available to us.
  • We operate a practice complaints procedure which may be used in confidence.
  • We welcome and consider all feedback from our patients.

Help us to Help You

  • Please only submit one online consultation for the issue you require help with but include as much information as possible in your request – submitting the same request repeatedly or chasing an answer within a short time frame will not necessarily result in a faster response.
  • The Klinik portal is to be used for non-urgent/routine appointments, which are for issues which can be dealt with up to two weeks after making the request. 
  • Use our service responsibly and do not expect immediate treatment for non-urgent / routine conditions.
  • If your request is urgent (requires a response within 3 days) please do not use the Klinik portal. In this instance you can contact the practice via the telephone or come in person to the surgery.
  • Please keep appointments made with us or cancel in plenty of time, as if you don’t need the appointment anymore it can be offered to another person.
  • Consider other avenues of help for minor conditions – self-care, pharmacy, NHS111 etc. where appropriate.
  • Utilise the services of other professionals in the practice – the GP is not necessarily always the most appropriate person to see.
  • Allow sufficient time for processing of repeat prescription requests and please do not pressure staff to process sooner than the standard 48-hour timeline.
  • Keep us informed of any name, address and telephone number changes.

Penrhyn Surgery continues to ensure that we provide accessible, safe and high-quality services to all our patients.

We will therefore continue to monitor the Klinik platform patient demand and adjust its availability to match our capacity to provide a safe service to our patients. We may have to limit/ restrict access to this portal, when the demand outstrips our capacity.  However, when the Klinik platform is unavailable, patients will still be able to call us and also come in person to the surgery.  

Related  Penrhyn Surgery Policies