Our Network




What are PCNs?

Primary Care Networks (PCNs) are a key building block of the NHS Long Term Plan, bringing general practices together to work at scale and focus on delivery; to provide a wider range of services to patients in a coordinated way across natural communities.

Seven Primary Care Networks (PCNs) have been formed in Waltham Forest, as per the requirements of the NHS England Network Contract Directed Enhanced Service (DES). All of the 40 practices within the borough are included and there is a clinical director/s appointed for each.  

image depicting a network

We are part of "Forest 8 PCN" and have following GP practices in our network:

Together our practices serve a 48,399 patient population. The practices are keen on developing themselves, their GPs and staff, being innovative training and research practices. Please see link below for PCN maps and Clinical Directors details 

Primary Care Network Map For Patients